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Enrol on an eCourse
Create an eCourse
Search for an eCourse
Search for an eCourse by subject, or if you have a favourite eCourse author then see which other eCourses they have.
Enrol on an eCourse
Enrolment is FREE and usually for 6 months (this is specified when you enrol). You can access the eCourse and it’s components at any time during this period.

Your information (including) past quiz attempts will only be saved if you renew your enrolment before the time has elapsed.
Work through the eCourse
Work through the various components of the eCourse at your leisure. The author may direct you to follow a particular order or you can just choose your own path.
Leave Feedback
Authors want to help people learn and so be constructive to help the author improve their eCourse for others.

It’s always good to be thanked for your hard work so this is the opportunity to do that as well !
Navigate to the ‘Design eCourses’ section on your dashboard
To access this you will need to be logged in.
Create your content and design your eCourse
Remember to ensure content that people want to learn. Add helpful documents, videos / video presentations.
Upload your content
Either upload directly to Atlantic Courses, or simply add the video link from vimeo / youtube. This enables you to use the same videos on multiple eCourses.
Create a Quiz to check for learning
Everyone likes a quiz and it is a good way for people to check what they have learnt. They can also take it again to see if they can improve.
Monitor feedback and improve your eCourse
Monitor your feedback and improve your eCourse to attract more people. Don’t worry as you may not get it right first time !

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